Pearl 830HW stativpakke
Pearl leverer kvalitet også når det kommer til lettvekts stativer. I denne pakken får du stativer med Pearl sin unike "Unilock-løsning" på cymbalstativ og skarpstativ, som gir en trinnløs justering i akkurat den posisjonen du ønsker.
The BC-830 Boom, C-830 Cymbal and S-830 Snare Stands offer Uni-lock technology (tilter for the boom), rubber feet and nylon bushing joints. The H-830 Hi-Hat stand features a chain drive, standard clutch and a "Demon-style" footboard.
The kick pedal is a Pearl Demonator - a single-chain drive pedal, equipped with a Demon Style Powershifter longboard. The pedal is equipped with an interchangeable cam, infinitely adjustable beater angle, Pearl' Click-Lock spring tension keepers and much more..
The success that Pearl Percussion Products experience today can be traced back to a heritage of dedication to quality and value for over 63 years. Founded on April 2, 1946, in a small shack in Tokyo, Katsumi Yanagisawa began a music stand manufacturing business with an ultimate goal …” to be a major manufacture of all percussion products.”
PEARL TH-900S/C tomholder TH-900 trinnløs tomholder i god Pearl kvalitet, med...